Rotarians Talk About Polio Awareness Events and Visit TriMedia in Marquette

These guys are doing great things to help raise money for polio research and those battling the disease.

Marquette, MI  –  October 4, 2017  – Rotarians work heavily within local communities but also strive to improve the quality of life for people throughout the world. This month the organization focuses on a deadly disease: polio. Since 1985, Rotary has contributed more than $1.7 billion and countless volunteer hours to immunize more than 2.5 billion children in 122 countries. Today during the weekly Marquette West Rotary meeting, the club talked about upcoming events that will raise money for polio research and those battling the disease.


5-for-5 is a chain-style event asking all Rotarians to donate $5.00. From there, members connect with five more people asking others to donate the same amount. By the end, with all of the money tallied, the local Rotary clubs will have raised $5,000 for polio. This money will then be matched 2-for-1 by Bill and Melinda Gates totaling $15,000.

These guys are doing great things to help raise money for polio research and those battling the disease.
These guys are doing great things to help raise money for polio research and those battling the disease.

Pennies for Polio

Pennies for Polio is looking to change the world, with change! Rotarians will distribute yellow jugs to businesses throughout our communities. Customers will have the opportunity to donate their loose change to support the end of polio. Look for a yellow jug and drop your coins in! If you have questions about where a jug will be located, contact the Marquette West Rotary here.

Pints for Polio

Marquette Rotary West is teaming up with over 20 local bars and restaurants for Pints for Polio on Friday, October 20th. Throughout the evening, each business will sell pints with a 25 cents per pint going toward the polio eradication effort. The competing location that raises the most money during Pints for Polio will be the meeting point for Rotarians during World Polio Day on October 24, 2017. Rotarians will meet at the location for the 5th annual live streamed Wold Polio Day event and celebrate the accomplishments made. Follow the Facebook Page to find out what restaurants will be apart of this event.

This freshly remodeling building used to be the Sears and FThis freshly remodeling building used to be the Sears and Fox103 building!ox103 building!
This freshly remodeling building used to be the Sears and Fox103 building!

The Marquette West Rotary also took a trip to a Marquette business today, TriMedia Environmental & Engineering Services. While visiting the freshly remodeled building, a number of members were reminiscent. Ellen Seargent and Jim LaJoie both worked out of the building back when it was Stereo 100 with Todd Noordyk setting up shop in the building afterwards with Jack Laforrest. The group toured the building and learned about TriMedia’s efforts to improve the environment and relations with service firms. The business does everything from Phase I & II inspections, environmental permitting and monitoring contingency planning, to risk assessment and safety audits. Staff at TriMedia told us of their recent project, remapping a cemetery to document burial sites!

Big thanks to TriMedia for hosting the Marquette West Rotary for today’s meeting. Visit their website to learn more about the company or stop in to their office off of Washington Street in Marquette.

If you have questions about how you can raise funds for polio, contact The Marquette West Rotary here.

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