Marquette, MI – June 21, 2017 – Dance Dance Dance… TaMaMa Dance Company was present today discussing their performances at the Marquette Cultural Center. The women focus on specialized costumes that are sculptural based. Recently at the Great Lakes Beach Conference the team showed the beauty of water. Viewers applauded the team for how they represented the movement of water in an artistic way during TaMaMa’s performance.
The group is definitely growing as they recently danced at the St. Peters Tribute and City Arts Awards and were received well there as well. This year, TaMaMa Dance Company will be featured at the annual Hiawatha Music Festival. The performers will be featured on Sunday at the dance tent for some free training seminars!
Another chance to witness this great set of ladies will be at the Blueberry Dance Festival. There the group will host dance instructions.
Queen Cut Arts Co-op is home base for the team located at 131 Was Michigan by High Street in the old grocery store. While the company loves to perform, they also have several adult classes open for attendance.
Monday, you are invited by TaMaMa to Maria Formolo’s endeavor with unique theatre lighting and props for a two act show at Forrest Roberts Theatre. The theatre will feature TaMaMa and other shows for Art Week in Marquette. Attend Monday’s show at 7:30pm; tickets are just $5.00.
TaMaMa Dance Company is currently awaiting a grant which will allow them to work with the Social Needs Classes at schools. They will teach and comfort students through movement to achieve education goals with dance therapy.
Interested in finding about more about this dance group? Check out the TaMaMa Dance Company Facebook Page.