Marquette West Rotary Welcomes Jake Bilodeau to the Club and Shifts Focus to HarborFest 2019

Jake putting his new Rotary Club pin on.

Marquette, MI  –  January 9, 2019  –  The Marquette West Rotary had the honor of inducting a familiar face into the Club today. After giving a presentation on the Greater Michigan Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association in early November, Regional Director Jake Bilodeau requested to join the Rotary! Today, Marquette West Rotarians welcomed Jake as the newest member after his inducting during today’s luncheon.

The Marquette West Rotary welcomes Jake Bilodeau to the club.
The Marquette West Rotary welcomes Jake Bilodeau to the club.
The club was back at Landmark Inn for another wonderful luncheon.
The club was back at Landmark Inn for another wonderful luncheon.

Part of the meeting agenda, Rotarians also covered the club’s biggest annual event, HarborFest. As planning for HarborFest will begin next month, we need a chair and co-hair for 2019 to help develop a fresh game plan for the event. While signing up for a committee is not required, helping the club events run smoothly is important, so many members signed up during today’s meeting to take on various tasks.

Members, if you are still looking to sign up:

  • Ellen Sergeant schedules programs. She has 3 open spots to help her with scheduling meetings
  • Eric Froberg chairs membership and could also use help


The club has other committees including the Service Projects Committee; the group that helps coordinate community involvement. The thousands of dollars raised through HarborFest is controlled by this group, as they choose where to give the money back in our community.

The Public Relations committee is chaired by both Michelle Cook and Todd Noordyk with Lauren from Great Lakes Radio assisting with web and social media outreach.

Marquette West Rotary socials and after hours meetings are also in the works!


Special Thanks To Our Sponsors

Golden Festival Sponsors:

Thursday Night Sponsors:

Friday Night Sponsor:

Saturday Night Sponsor:

Hospitality & Local Band Sponsors:

Local Band Sponsors:

Christine Pesola

Tent Sponsors:

Supporting Sponsors: